Trout Fishing

Learn a new skill an pit your wits against wild brown trout or hard-fighting rainbows. Fulfil your ambition to go fly-fishing, and ensure you learn the correct technique from the very beginning. The one-day beginner's course is designed to give the newcomer all the skills required to fish a stillwater lake. I will cover all the various casting methods and different tactics for catching fish. You'll get everything you'll need to get you started on your fly fishing journey. The day will cover rods, reels, lines, leaders, knots, fly selection and safety. We will fish a superb natural moorland lake in North Wales, which has stunning mountain views and a good stock of wild brown trout with stocked rainbows and blue trout.

1 Person One-to-One Tuition Full Day
2 People Sharing Tuition Full Day



1 Person Improvers Day *
2 People Improvers Day *



* 'Improvers Day' is for previous clients or anyone that wants to improve there casting skills. try different techniques, sinking lines, different weight rods, iron out any casting faults, learn how to double haul and lots more.

Bass Fishing

Pike Fishing


Off Limits Fly Fishing